

Photo by Brooke Cagle

為了回答這個問題,我們在台灣跟美國各挑選了一間學生都是高度自主學習者的醫學院 (台大vs.哈佛),進行跨國比較的研究。這個問題的解答,我們發表在台灣的《醫學教育》雜誌,期望能讓台灣的醫學教師重新檢視自主學習的重要性,並在本土的脈絡下給予學員支持。





Conceptualizing Medical Students' Self-directed Learning in the Clinical Setting - A Qualitative Study in Taiwan 

Tzu-Hung Liu ; Kai-Kuen Leung ; Amy Marie Sullivan 

醫學教育 ; 26卷1期 (2022 / 03 / 01) , P46 - 58


Clinical teachers have regarded self-directed learning (SDL) as an essential means of enabling students to take responsibility for their learning throughout clinical training. However, SDL in the clinical setting in Taiwan has not yet been described in the literature. Purpose: This study aims to illustrate Taiwanese student experiences of SDL in their clinical training and identify how local socio-cultural contexts differ from our previous study in the U.S. Methods: To conceptualize students' SDL experiences in the clinical setting, we conducted a qualitative study with 15 Taiwanese medical students at National Taiwan University College of Medicine. The semi-structured interviews were recorded and transcribed. Data were analyzed deductively and inductively using the Framework method of content analysis and our existing conceptual SDL model. Results: Our study showed that the essential themes across three SDL dimensions and six major steps in the process dimension in the contexts of Taiwan were compatible with the conceptual SDL model in our previous study in the U.S. While there were many similarities across the Taiwanese and American groups, some consistent differences emerged. When conducting SDL, American students tended to focus more on individual performance. Taiwanese students were strongly oriented to learning in a collaborative team and with their peers but avoided standing out when learning in a group. Conclusions: Our study contributes to the current SDL models with perspectives of the Taiwanese students and supports the applicability of "Person, Process, Context" dimensions of SDL. The findings in each SDL dimension also provide practical implications for clinical faculty and students in Taiwan.




2021 Ins and Outs of EPAs 課後心得

